# Joeur Jeux
1. BWPoookehhhh 33 153
2. BWDenzGore 29 118
3. BWmariposa 15 99
4. BWbbcmuncher 14 76
5. BWLephoi 21 70
6. BWMotogo 16 52
7. BWLuhcalmphi 16 44
8. BWHundoshine 14 36
9. BWThe wizard 9 26
10. BWShine100 11 23
11. BWMotshidisi Baile Madiehe 10 22
12. BWFatNyashBree 6 19
13. BWso not koki 5 17
14. BWmasterjelada 5 15
15. BWJaque Mehoff 3 14
16. BWRamastruca_Minus! 2 13
16. BWBricky with the 2 13
18. BWRrangwane Skeif 2 11
18. BWbr33zy 4 11
20. BWArielChari 5 8
20. BWel papu ;vvvvvv 2 8
22. BWknalB 2 7
22. BWHerald Batisani 4 7
24. BWktizzle 2 5
25. BWWilly Wonka1 1 4
26. BWElias Batisani 3 3
26. BWLuh Keagz 2 3
26. BWresbaby 1 3
29. BWReginahh 1 2
30. BWXxJaimeFortnitex 1 1
31. BWJoanel Potgieter 1579 2 0
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